Griaule Biometric Suite
Griaule offers solutions for face, fingerprint, palmprint, latent, newborn, and iris recognition.

GBS Biometric Database Server
One of the most precise ABIS in the world.

GBS Cardscan
Easy and fast scanning of paper-based biometric cards with OCR.

GBS Biometric Expert Software Tool
Enhancement and search of latent fingerprints.

Newborn biometric enrollment.

GBS Manual Image Review
Cutting-edge quality enrollment guaranteed.

GBS Intelligence
Textual search in the database.

GBS Print and CheckPrint
Printing of Identification Documents integrated with biometric systems, including document check with OCR.

GBS Batch Enroll
Database migration with deduplication check.

GBS Biometric Capture Component
Biometric enrollment with quality check and data standardization.

GBS Exception Treatment
Control over frauds and database quality.

GBS Identify
Easy biometric identification and verification.

GBS Surveillance
Automatic face monitoring of crowds.

GBS Biometrics SDKs
Biometric integration in deployed systems.

GBS BCC Mobile
Enrollment and search of biometric data (fingerprint, face).